New ESSNA-EFF pact looks to push nutrition in ‘challenging times’

By Will Chu

- Last updated on GMT

New ESSNA-EFF pact to push nutrition in ‘challenging times’

Related tags ESSNA EFF coronavirus

The European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) is to join the European Food Forum (EFF) as part of ongoing efforts to promote healthy ageing and nutrition, especially during the coronavirus situation as well as Brexit.

ESSNA will use the forum to work with policymakers and stakeholders towards achieving its key objectives, as outlined in the recently launched ESSNA manifesto.

“Joining the European Food Forum represents a tremendous opportunity for ESSNA to engage even more in the narrative around the topic of food,”​ says Dr Adam Carey, Chair of ESSNA.

“The food supply chain is constantly changing, and it is of utmost importance for the sports nutrition industry to be involved in such a high-level dialogue to ensure that healthy and safe products, combined with balanced diets, can continue to contribute to the health and wellbeing of European citizens.

“We look forward to stepping up the efforts to achieve this objective, alongside the EFF,”​ he adds.

ESSNA manifesto

The European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) revealed its manifesto, ‘Towards a Healthier and Fitter Future,’​ back in December 2019, in which it looks to match consumers with products that complement balanced diets and support active lifestyles.

Coinciding with the new European Commission’s (EC) mandate to promote a healthier and fitter future, the manifesto focuses on good health for an ageing population, sport and healthy diets, safe products for consumers, and a fair business environment.

ESSNA’s manifesto commitments align closely with objectives set out by the EFF, created by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in Brussels, to promote an open dialogue on sustainable food systems and food supply chain actors.

Efforts to ensure the food sector and health of European citizens remain top priorities for European policymakers, which have been heightened in light of the Brexit transition period and the ever-changing coronavirus situation.

Responsible and responsive

“Throughout this difficult period, we are committed to being both responsible and responsive. The health of our members and the entire sports nutrition industry remains our top priority,”​ ESSNA stated in a message to its members.

All upcoming events in which ESSNA was due to be in attendance are being reconsidered and, in most cases, cancelled, where the event organisers have not already made other arrangements.

“We are closely monitoring the quickly evolving situation and will keep members informed about all developments and updates and how they affect the sector,”​ ESSNA added.

“Communications are more important than ever and we endeavour to provide ESSNA members with the same support and level of service that is to be expected during these challenging times.”

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